Cubes Watched by Hand is an art piece which stimulates people’s imagination through haptic and auditory sensory input as they pick up and move a series of cubes. Imagination is a faculty which likens one thing to another thing, as patterns of stars are likened to objects in the constellations. However, this great power is vanishing in the modern world as technology progresses. My piece is in response to this trend: the participant uses his or her imagination as the wooden cubes are compared to various things.
There are seven exhibition stands in this piece, and each stand has one or two wooden cubes paired with a caption. All the cubes look the same, but the participant notices differences amongst the cubes as he or she picks up and handles them. One cube has an off-center weight; one cube contains liquid; another, a mechanism. The different contents create different sounds and tactile impressions. The captions are small stories that liken the cube to some other thing: a rock, a hammer, a creature, and so on. The combination of story and sensory input invokes the participant’s imagination.
In old Japanese gardens, there is “karesansui,” sand that represents flowing water. There are also rocks in the sand, like islands or mountains rising from the water. Such objects are used to represent elements of nature different from themselves. These representations rely on the power of imagination to evoke things that are not there. Modern people tend to dismiss the traditional attitude.
Cube Watched by Hand / 手でみるシカク
Cubes Watched by Hand is an art piece which stimulates people’s imagination through haptic and auditory sensory input as they pick up and move a series of cubes. Imagination is a faculty which likens one thing to another thing, as patterns of stars are likened to objects in the constellations. However, this great power is vanishing in the modern world as technology progresses. My piece is in response to this trend: the participant uses his or her imagination as the wooden cubes are compared to various things.
There are seven exhibition stands in this piece, and each stand has one or two wooden cubes paired with a caption. All the cubes look the same, but the participant notices differences amongst the cubes as he or she picks up and handles them. One cube has an off-center weight; one cube contains liquid; another, a mechanism. The different contents create different sounds and tactile impressions. The captions are small stories that liken the cube to some other thing: a rock, a hammer, a creature, and so on. The combination of story and sensory input invokes the participant’s imagination.
In old Japanese gardens, there is “karesansui,” sand that represents flowing water. There are also rocks in the sand, like islands or mountains rising from the water. Such objects are used to represent elements of nature different from themselves. These representations rely on the power of imagination to evoke things that are not there. Modern people tend to dismiss the traditional attitude.
手でみるシカクは、視覚偏重かつリアリティが重視される現代において、普段主な感覚として使用することのない触覚を用いて、そこにないものを想像させる作品です。 ここでいう触覚とは表面を触ったときの皮膚感覚ではなく、物体を持ったときの手や腕に生じる感覚を指します。
この作品は7つのテーブルとそこに置かれた1つもしくは2つの木製の立方体と小さな物語の書かれたキャプションからなります。 立方体は見た目は同じで、手で持って動かすことで初めて違いが分かるようになっています。
体験者はキャプションに書かれた物語と手から得られる触感という限られた情報から、立方体の中身を当てるのではなく、そこにないものを想像します。 触感から何かを想像するという普段とは異なる体験をするにあたって、物語から得られる情報が想像の補助線としての役割を果たしています。
Virtual Reality技術の普及に伴い、触覚はそこに現実感を付加するための位置づけとされており、触覚そのものから何かを想起するという体験をすることは多くありません。 一方で限られた情報から何かを想像するという行為は「見立て」という文化の中にも存在し、枯山水において人は石や砂を水や山に見立て、落語では扇子が箸に見立てられます。 こういった限られた情報から、そこにないものを想像するという行為を触覚において体験することを可能にしたのが本作品です。
情報科学芸術大学院大学(IAMAS) メディア表現研究科 2016年度修士作品
IAMAS OSで「手でみるシカク」を展示
2016年11月6日(日) 10:00—15:00
大垣商店街 元気ハツラツ市で「シカクソムリエ」を展示